Journal | Firepot


Written by Sarah Scarborough | Apr 28, 2019 5:11:00 PM


Join us each Sunday in April for rituals focused on spring cleaning your body, mind and spirit! All month we will dive into practices that will help you burst into summer with a clean body, a free mind and a light spirit! Share your thoughts and experiences at #mytearitual.

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” -Albert Einstein

Ritual Music: Apparently by Random Rab

Click here to play Apparently by Random Rab on our Sunday Tea Rituals Spotify Playlist.

Movement: Forest Bathing

Shinrin-Yoku, or Forest Bathing, is a modern Japanese wellness practice that simply involves spending time in nature, or in a forest, if you can find one. It engages the senses in a peaceful way to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and support long-term health and happiness. The difference between this and a picnic or a walk is a mindfulness and awareness. It is, essentially, a walking meditation in nature.

Find an uncrowded and quiet forest, beach or patch of land, the larger the better. Spend between 30 minutes and 2 hours just leisurely walking, allowing your senses to guide you. Watch the way light plays on the leaves and water. Listen to the sounds of the birds and your feet on the floor. Inhale the healing aroma-therapeutic scents in the air and taste the fresh air as it enters your mouth. Feel the moisture, temperature and vibration of the air around you.

Try to let your mind wander and drop into the bliss of the present moment.

Meditation: Reflective Journaling

Get your journal and take some time to reflect on your forest bath. What thoughts came up? Did you find clarity of thought? Was there a theme in the wanderings of your mind? What would you change for next time?

Firepot Tea Recipe: Matcha supreme

We have fallen in love with Sun Potions Green Adaptogen. Especially this time of year it is so cleansing and rejuvenating! Our Matcha Supreme combines Firepot organic ceremonial matcha and Green Adaptogen with honey and milk for a nourishing hot or iced drink!