Move with us in June! We're celebrating the Summer Solstice, the full strawberry moon and the rising Yang energy of summer with intuitive, meditative and ecstatic movement all month. Join us and share your thoughts and experiences at #mytearitual.
"To Move is to Remember, and Qoya reminds us that being in our bodies is so so good." -Alison Love
Click here to play Simple by Clap! Clap! on our Sunday Tea Rituals Spotify playlist.
Shaking is a key component of any Qoya class; it's the part of the journey that allows us to take back our power and let go of all that's ready to go and what is no longer ours.
Shaking is a way to release without going through a mental process. Allow yourself to go through each body part moving vigorously, followed by a whole body shake.
Shake and dance, dance and shake.
How did your experience shaking with Qoya make you feel? Did you feel an emotional release? Did you laugh? Did you cry? Let us know by sharing with us using our hashtag #mytearitual.
Experience a vibrant, green shot of energy with our Ceremonial Matcha Shot!
Click the photo below to download the recipe card.