Journal | Firepot


Written by Sarah Scarborough | Jul 17, 2019 2:28:00 PM

Project Soar is a bold initiative empowering girls across Morocco to stay in school, know their value, care for their bodies and to expect more out of life and themselves in general. They help these amazing teens become strong, powerful women in their community.

Recently, I was fortunate to visit their headquarters, a small, earthen building about 20 minutes outside of Marrakech, on a tea and yoga retreat that I lead each Spring with Eat Pray Move Yoga. On the retreat, we stayed at the beautiful Peacock Pavilions hotel which was started by Maryam Montague and her husband, Chris Redecke, who also started Project Soar. The retreat gives 10% of profits to Project Soar as part of Eat Pray Move’s giveback program.

Tucked between olive groves and the snow-capped Atlas Mountains, Project Soar’s earthen HQ belies the powerful work that is happening inside and the fact that both Michele Obama and Meryl Streep are supporters of their work.

Light pours into the space—both literally and figuratively. The walls are freshly painted and hand made tiles cover the floors. There is energy and excitement radiating from the walls and from the girls inside who are reading, studying and supporting one another.

Walking in and witnessing 20 teenage girls, hands in the air, chanting words of self worth in a place where many girls marry under the age of 13 and die from childbirth, sparked every hopeful, iconoclastic cell in my body. Watch the video below and you will see what I mean.

Project Soar is growing at 100% a year and beginning to reach beyond Morocco into other parts of Africa where girls do not have the same opportunities as boys and into communities that need strong, smart female leaders.

The impact of this work is forging new paths for all girls and all communities across the world. If you are interested in donating, click here: Donate to Project Soar