Journal | Firepot

Hibiscus: Happy, Healthy and Beautiful

Written by Sarah Scarborough | Feb 6, 2020 4:45:00 PM

American botanist Luther Burbank said, “Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul,” and a cup of hibiscus tea certainly proves him right. Not only do the flowers nourish the heart and soul when in full bloom, they produce a deep rose-colored tea. This delicious and nutritious tea has a number of health benefits — in fact, it's actually considered a superfood due to its amazing properties.

The History of Hibiscus

A primarily tropical plant, hibiscus has historically been found in the Pacific Islands and Southeastern Asia. It was so beloved in Malaysia that they made it their national flower and designated it "The Queen of the Tropical Flowers," and Hawaii has named it their state flower. It was the favorite flower of Hindu goddess Kali and is frequently used in artistic depictions of the deity. 

Hibiscus has been used to cure a variety of conditions, including hair loss, head lice, sore throats, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. It also has social meaning — when a woman tucks a freshly picked hibiscus blossom into her hair behind her right ear, it's a signal she's looking for love. When the blossom adorns the area behind her left ear, it means she's already found it.

The Healthful Properties of Hibiscus

Hibiscus is rich in both vitamin C, antioxidants, and plant-based compounds known as flavonoids, including anthocyanins, which is what provides berries with their color. Research suggests that drinking hibiscus tea on a regular basis helps with the following conditions:

  • Combat hypertension — however, those taking medications such as hydrochlorothiazide shouldn't use hibiscus due to possible negative interactions with that drug.
  • Lower blood pressure — hibiscus has been found to lower blood pressure in some people, so those with low blood pressure should avoid it. 
  • Lower blood sugar — drinking hibiscus may help those with Type II diabetes control their blood sugar levels and help prevent the onset of the disease in those with pre-diabetes.
  • Maintain liver health — hibiscus may help maintain healthy liver functioning. 
  • Ease menstrual cramps — some women find relief from menstrual cramps by drinking hibiscus tea. Those who are pregnant trying to conceive should avoid it because hibiscus can alter estrogen levels. 
  • Possible help with depression - Hibiscus has also been found to be an effective mood enhancer and may help with depression. 
  • Help with digestive issues — hibiscus has a mild laxative effect and may help those with constipation.
  • Weight loss — hibiscus is an effective aid for those trying to lose weight or maintain their current weight. 

About Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus herbal tea is made by steeping dried hibiscus flowers in hot water and features a tart tang similar to that of cranberries.

Many tea lovers choose to sweeten their hibiscus tea slightly by stirring in a spoonful of honey, while others like to bring a squeeze of fresh lime juice to the picture. A fantastic base for a mocktail, try adding some sparkling water and shrub to your hibiscus!. 

Please feel free to visit our site at your convenience to find out more about the benefits of enjoying a cup of Firepot Hibiscus Elixir on a regular basis. While you're at it, tuck a beautiful hibiscus blossom behind your right ear if you're single — you never know what luck will bring, especially when you look and feel your absolute best.